Water Soluble Powder Containing Vitamin E, Selenium & Biotin

E is a fat-soluble intracellular antioxidant, involved in stabilising
unsaturated fatty acids. The main antioxidant property is preventing
formation of toxic free radicals and oxidation of the unsaturated fatty
acids in the body. These free radicals can be formed in periods of disease
or stress in the body.
Selenium is an essential nutrient for animals. Selenium is a component of
the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which plays an important role in
protection of cells by destroying oxidising agents like free radicals and
oxidated unsaturated fatty acids.
Each 200 gm contains:
Vitamin E |
20 gm |
Selenium |
200 ppm |
Biotin |
4 mg |
Water Soluble Carier |
Q.S. |
To treat crazychick disease, Exudative diathesis & Muscular dystrophy.
For immune potentiation against various Viral disease, Coccidiosis and also
post vaccination. To improve Fertility and Hatchability and to overcome the
stress of deworming, Vaccination and debeaking.
Chicks/Growers/Layers :
150-250 gm/tonne of feed OR 5 gm/200 birds through drinking water
Broilers :
5 gm/50 birds through drinking water
200 gm. Triple layer laminated Aluminium Pouch
Liquid feed supplement containing Vitamin B Complex, Choline Chloride
with Lysine & Methionine for Poultry & Livestock

are essential for the proper operation of many physiological functions.
Each 5 ml contains:
Choline Chloride |
5 mg |
Vitamin B2 |
1.25 mg |
Vitamin B6 |
0.62 mg |
Niacinamide |
37.5 mg |
D-panthenol |
1.25 mg |
Vitamin B12 |
6.25 mcg |
Methionine |
5 mg |
Lysine |
5 mg |
Flavored Base |
q.s. |
Poultry : 10-20ml daily per 100 Birds in
drinking water for the maintenance of high egg production in layers &
for better weight gain in broilers.
Livestock : 30-60ml daily per head as a drench or in drinking water
as a feed supplement.
Keep in a cool place protected from light.
Simplex-Liq. : Boost the performance of Birds and Animals
1 L, 5 L, 50 L
Water Miscible Vitamin Supplement
We offer Poultry Nutritional Supplements like SIMVITE AD3EC is specially
formulated to fulfill the requirements of Vitamin A, D3, E and C under
stress conditions. A balanced dose of these vitamins helps to relieve all
types of stress.
Vitamin A : Important for reproduction, for development and
maintenance of epithelial cells. Develops resistance against infection and
Vitamin D3 : Promotes intestinal absorption of calcium and
phosphorous. Essential for normal bone growth and development.
Vitamin E : Acts as a natural antioxidant and protects
polyunsaturated fats in the body from oxidation. Enhances immune mechanisms
of the body.
Vitamin C : Possess potent anti-stress property.
Acts as an Immunity Booster by developing resistance against infections.
Each 5 ml. contains :
Vitamin A |
2,50,000 IU |
Vitamin D3 |
25,000 IU |
Vitamin E |
150 mg |
Vitamin C |
500 mg |
- Prevents and relieves all types of stress conditions effectively
thereby, improving production performance.
- Helps to Develop enhanced body resistance against infections.
- Ensures optimum calcium and phosphorus levels in the serum.
Heat stress, Production stress, Transportation
stress, Handling stress, Vaccination stress, Deworming stress, Antibiotic
therapy stress and stress of any other etiology, Vitamin deficiency,
Mycotoxicosis etc.
For 100 birds through drinking water
Broiler 2-5 ml. / Day
Layer 2-6 ml. / Day
Or as directed by Poultry Nutritionist
Store in a dark place, at a temperature below 25o
100 ml, 500 ml, 1 L
Amino Acids with protected minerals
Broad Spectrum Trace Mineral Supplementation
(Concentrate Trace Mineral with Amino Acid advantage)

offer Poultry Nutritional Supplements like Amino acids. These acids are
essential for the proper operation of several physiological functions. Trace
Minerals act as catalyst for a wide variety of Bio chemical activities
necessary in the sustaining of life, Protein metabolism, Glucose metabolism,
Oxygen uptake, Immune functions, Sexual functions, growth & even
metabolic rate are all governed by the proper amount of trace mineral.
Each 500 ml. contains :
Methionine activity
(Methionine Hydroxy Analogue Free Acid) |
130.30 gm. |
Choline Chloride |
63.125 gm. |
Lysine Hydro Chloride |
63.125 gm |
Sodium |
485.00 mg |
Phosphorus |
158.40 mg |
Magnesium |
615.14 mg |
Zinc |
219.70 mg |
Ferrous (Iron) |
232.42 mg |
Copper |
163.25 mg |
Cobalt |
212.95 mg |
Manganese |
395.12 mg |
- V-GROMIN Provides Methionine (MHA) is completely and effectively
absorbed & utilized as in comparison to DLM.
- Increased resistant to disease & to overcome stress related
- Improved & enhanced F.C.R.
- Increased body mass weight.
- Increased egg production, quality & to avoid mis-shape of eggs
during peak lay & early lay.
- Increased overall growth, production & economic profits.
- To makes up Minerals & Aminoacids deficiency.
Per 100 birds through water
Breeders |
10 - 20 ml. |
Broilers |
5 - 10 ml |
Layers |
10 - 20 ml |
500 ml, 1 L, 5 L
Nutritional Liquid Feed Supplement containing Calcium, Iron, Vit. D3 &
Vit. B12

are leading manufacturers and exporters of Animal Nutritional Supplements
and offer Animal Nutritional Supplements in Liquid form. Calcium is an
important constituent of skeleton and teeth, and is essential for the
activity of a number of enzyme systems including those necessary for the
transmission of nerve impulses and for the contractile properties of muscle.
It is also involved in the coagulation of blood. In young growing and in
adult animals, calcium deficiency may lead to rickets and osteomalacia,
Each 10 ml contains:
Calcium Gluconate |
889 mg |
Calcium D Saccharate |
4 mg |
Vitamin D3 |
1600 IU |
Vitamin B12 |
16.7 mcg |
Ferric Ammonium Citrate |
167 mg |
Flavoured Base |
q.s. |
Colour : Carmosine
- Shake well before use.
- Keep in cool & dark place.
Give daily through drinking water
Poultry (For 100 Birds):
Chicks |
10 ml / day |
Growers/ Broilers |
20 ml / day |
Layers |
50 ml / day |
Cattle & Horses : 50 ml twice daily orally.
Calves, Sheep, Goat, Pigs : 25 ml twice daily orally.
Dogs : 10ml twice daily.
- Excellent Calcium absorption
- Maintains proper bone development and egg shell quality
- Provides relief from the problem of Calcium Sedimentation in water
5 L, 1 L, 500 ml
Water Soluble Vitamin K3 Supplement
Maintaining the prothrombin level in blood is essential for clotting
mechanism. Vitamin K (SOLVI-K) supplementation is very essential to avoid
delayed clotting of blood which may lead to death.

K is a cofactor in the post-ribosomal synthesis of clotting factors
including factor II (prothrombin, VII (proconvertin), IX (plasma
thromboplastin component) and X (Stuart factor), as well as of proteins C
and S that are involved in the production and inhibition of thrombin.
Vitamin K hypovitaminosis results in hypoprothrombinemia, which in turn
leads to prolonged bleedings, large haematomata and the development of
severe haemorrhagic anemia and haemolytic jaundice.
Menadione (synthetic vitamin K3) is absorbed by diffusion in the distal
portions of the small intestine and colon, and metabolized to the diol
(hydroquinone) form and excreted as glucuronide and sulphate conjugates.
Each 50 gm contains:
Vitamin K3 |
500 mg |
Base (Water Soluble) |
Q.S |
50 gms/day for 3200 birds for 5 days
During coccidiosis - 1 gm / 5 Ltrs of water
- To reduce blood loss during Coccidiosis.
- To reduce stress due to blood loss
- To improve laying in peak production
- After debeaking
50 gm pouches